Forums - Who is the best shoto all around? Ryu, Ken, or Akuma... Show all 63 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Who is the best shoto all around? Ryu, Ken, or Akuma... ( Posted by Frankie on 05:15:2001 02:58 PM: Who is the best shoto all around? Ryu, Ken, or Akuma... Akuma by far... The supreme master of the fist... Posted by Lord Doom on 05:15:2001 03:06 PM: Personally, I must say Ryu. Not only did he master his own way of fighting, he also mastered the Dark ways of Akuma as well. Posted by esak1er on 05:15:2001 03:10 PM: Id have to go with ryu. He's simply the man. ESAK1ER HAS SPOKEN Posted by SUSHI X on 05:15:2001 03:24 PM: Ryu 4ever: Posted by -Final Justice- on 05:15:2001 03:30 PM: where are the Ken Fans??? Ken 4 Life! Ken has an attitude unlike Akuma and Ryu! and Ken has a life apart from fighting! And Ken has the Invinsible Dragon Punch! Go Ken Posted by jedirobb on 05:15:2001 03:34 PM: ken! they dont call him masters for nothing! hes the only "pure" fighter left to - since the other two have at least dabbled in the "dark side" and with a site named after kens mightiest move - cuz his is the best ya know - they dont call this ya noticed the best moves have kens name in them??? ha robb = ) Posted by Gamebit on 05:15:2001 03:49 PM: Even though his powers arent all at a perfect control point I must say RYU.He is the chosen one,Ken doesnt have the dark power and could even less controle it because of his lack of concentration (he's closer to Dan then we think lol) And akuma is no longer a master since the day he lost his soul to the dark Hado........ Posted by Tuff Daddy on 05:15:2001 04:08 PM: I'll say it again, Akuma can teleport! Akuma just owns every other shoto. Posted by Gamebit on 05:15:2001 04:11 PM: Yeah and so can Bison evil ryu and Dhalsim (not all shoto but still) that doesnt make the fighter Posted by mad_jackal on 05:15:2001 04:20 PM: Ryu always pushes on no matter what the challenge.. mad_jackal Posted by Ryu1999 on 05:15:2001 04:33 PM: based on would be akuma as ryu has yet to beat him with full strength (on his own without e. ryu power). however based on gameplay...well ryu has ranked in the top tier in every single sf engine game except for WW while ken has always fallen short except in sfa2 and sfa1. still, RYU OWNS YOU! Posted by Gamebit on 05:15:2001 04:35 PM: Good point, And your right too HE DOES OWN ME!!! Posted by Gimpy on 05:15:2001 05:14 PM: It has to be Ryu. Ryu is more seriuos about fighting than Ken. Ken may have potential but he will never surpass Ryu who is at a higher level in jis life because he has seen everything up close. Plus you can't go wrong with the headband. Posted by n817azn on 05:15:2001 05:19 PM: RYU!! Posted by Drahktar on 05:15:2001 05:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gimpy It has to be Ryu. Ryu is more seriuos about fighting than Ken. Ken may have potential but he will never surpass Ryu who is at a higher level in jis life because he has seen everything up close. Plus you can't go wrong with the headband. Let's see... Ryu is good because he devotes his life to fighting. Ken is good because he has freakish natural talent. I don't know about you, but I'd take freakish natural talent over life-long devotion anyday. Posted by shin srwilson on 05:15:2001 05:29 PM: Goukis the master of the shotokans! Posted by fomaman on 05:15:2001 05:32 PM: ryu is the best shoto. he's probably pound for pound the most powerful warrior in the entire sf universe. he's the most well rounded easily. and ken's shoryuken LOOKS better yes, but ryu's shin (true) version is the single most powerful shoryuken of all. ask anyone who's been hit by one. Posted by Azazel973 on 05:15:2001 05:38 PM: i would say akuma in MVC2 but the only thing is he takes too much damage. so i would have to say ken in MVC2 but in any other game i would say ryu. Posted by ytz16 on 05:15:2001 05:44 PM: well... to me, out of the Shotokan's, it's definately Gouki (Akuma) .. I mean.. with the Raging Demon, air fireball, teleport.. the meaningless grunts and so forth.. he just plain KICKS! however. Shin Gouki is a TOTALLY different subject Posted by BloodRiotIori on 05:15:2001 06:04 PM: if you're talking about in game gouki is simply the best. in every aspect he rules. some argue beteen ryu and ken, and who has the better super- shinkuu hadoken or shoryuu reppa. gouki has both, teleport, air fireball, and juggling dragonpunch/hurricane kick. in terms of coolest and story-wise, gouki again rules. then ken, ryu last. did you feel the hype of gouki finally appearing in SSF2X, and the alpha anime??????? that speaks volumes about him. ken is cool. we can relate to him, unlike the 'unrealistic' ryu, who seems faultless in wrong doings/thoughts. ken is brash, and has cooler moves Posted by Ryu1999 on 05:15:2001 06:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by BloodRiotIori if you're talking about in game gouki is simply the best. in every aspect he rules. some argue beteen ryu and ken, and who has the better super- shinkuu hadoken or shoryuu reppa. gouki has both, teleport, air fireball, and juggling dragonpunch/hurricane kick. in terms of coolest and story-wise, gouki again rules. then ken, ryu last. did you feel the hype of gouki finally appearing in SSF2X, and the alpha anime??????? that speaks volumes about him. ken is cool. we can relate to him, unlike the 'unrealistic' ryu, who seems faultless in wrong doings/thoughts. ken is brash, and has cooler moves well gouki/akuma in ssf2t was simply the most broken character ever made, even dwarfing CVS nakororu in cheapness. however, lets look at the games to determine which shoto is higher sf1: n/a sf2:ww-n/a sf2:ce-ryu-bison/sagat/ryu/guile were the good ones here. ken doesn't cut it sf2:hf-ryu was #1 in the game along with guile, so it wasn't even an issue ssf2: i don't know ssf2t: both o. ryu and new ryu are top tier while ken is..well he's fun to play with. though akuma rules this game like its his bitch. sfa1: ken's roll game was wayy too good so sfa1 was much his bitch as SSF2T was akuma's sfa2: debatable. most top players think ryu's a BIT better than ken because he doesn't need meter to contend. gouki/akuma doesn't even break into the "big 4". but he's still lower top/higher 2nd beecause of his crap-ass strong dp which doesn't knock down in one hit, and his low stamina. air fireball sucks ass, no need to mention. hurricane kick is good though, gotta agree sfa3: v-gouki/akuma. nuff said. BAS combos own every character except for v-gief or dhalshim. v-ryu has the advantage against v-akuma, but he doesn't have as great an advantage as v-gouki/akuma has over everyone else. sf3:NG-i don't know sf3:2I-akuma/gouki and ibuki were the juggernauts in this game. i don't know why since i don't play sf3 sf3:3s-well basically the tiers in sf3 are like this tier 1 yun and chun-li tier 2 everyone else tier 3 twelve though its been mentioned by many of the austin (the sf3 capital of the U.S.) players that ryu is possibly #3 in the game behind yun and chun-li. then again, US sucks in sf3:3s compared to japan and i have no idea who they think is the best shoto. daigo used ken at the japan invitational though... CVS: debatable. overall ryu is probably your best choice cause he's a ratio 2 and better than ken (read the cvs:ken vs ryu thread in the strategy forum for why), but one-on-one evil ryu takes the belt home. better than akuma because he has a hopkick which is essential for taking out footsies...which is like probably 90% of CVS's game :-) projectiles are essentialy useless so air fireball is a moot point so basically out of the games ryu: 5 (6 including evil ryu) ken: 1 gouki/akuma: 3 so ryu does win through an in depth analysis. if you really want to get picky and include super gem fighters and super puzzle fighter 2 turbo, ken owns SPF2T so he'd get 2 with the final standings. big difference. i have no idea how the players rank in SGF, but its just hilarious playing that game Posted by Akuma2002 on 05:15:2001 07:24 PM: Even though Akuma is my favriote game play wise i would have to say ken because his supers combo real well,he takes damage pretty well, and he`s the fastest shoto. But storyline wise Akuma wins by a long shot Posted by Bonesaw on 05:15:2001 07:52 PM: I prefer ryu over the rest of the shotos...I don't like Akuma's hair..I don't like Ken's hurricane...except for mvsc2... Posted by ytz16 on 05:15:2001 08:04 PM: The moment on SFA2 when I saw someone die with Gouki, then on the continue screen , press start, and you just saw him adopt his stand with all the flames.. i knew he was for me. I always play as that types of character tho.. so I'm trying to lean away from them now... Posted by X ƒactor on 05:15:2001 08:30 PM: what is wrong with everyone!?!?! dan is the best shoto! Gadou Ken! yeah! well at least in style Posted by Zazzarius on 05:16:2001 12:26 AM: woo! go dan! dan the man! Posted by Onslaught on 05:16:2001 12:31 AM: akuma will kick ryu's and ken's ass Posted by Gimpy on 05:16:2001 12:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Onslaught akuma will kick ryu's and ken's ass Yes, he CAN kick ken's ass. Posted by Wind on 05:16:2001 01:40 AM: Yeah, Dan is the best shoto! Posted by jonace1 on 05:16:2001 01:46 AM: ken is number 1. All others are #2 or lower Posted by acuma78757 on 05:16:2001 01:49 AM: AKUMA can make ryu his BICTH and ken his HOE! know one can beat ACUMA. Posted by jonace1 on 05:16:2001 01:51 AM: ken is same as ryu, but with a fire uppercut and different special. Wanna know the truth? EVIL RYU IS THE BEST Posted by acuma78757 on 05:16:2001 03:09 AM: evil ryu is good but AKUMA is better. Posted by ant1x on 05:16:2001 03:20 AM: well... as the story line goes, Gouki In the games, Ryu In the game Ryu's damage taken vs given ratio is better than Gouki's. With an even skill match Ryu should win 7 out of 10. Posted by Master Hadoken on 05:16:2001 03:24 AM: Ken's the man Ok lets start Ken is a better fighter 1.Ryu and Akuma all they do is train Ken has a life he has a wife and a kid he gets ass any time he wan'ts he got cars house everything he's a ritch basturd and he still wins turnaments and anytime they put Ken andRyu fighting in a movie Ken kicks hiss ass in street fighter the animated movie Ken kicks his ass in street fighter in usa cartoons yea lol lol lol lol lol we no that cartoon suck but the point is he beat Akuma's ass in that cheap cartoon if u had to pick who you wish to be like who woud you pick 1.Akuma he has alot of power evil power a demon 1.Ryu train all day train all day and u no the rest 3.Ken gets alot of bitches fucks all day and still have fighting skills to put up a good fight but any way Ken's the man any one no Ryu's last name lol. Posted by Gamebit on 05:16:2001 04:09 AM: You just prooved me right Ken lives like a pimp,driving his concentration away from the way of the warrior making him a "Brawler". Akuma is a Power hungry Demon Fighter,but still has the Honor of bieng the last descendent of the shoto familly (he's the masters brother) But Ryu on the other hand has left all these "luxury's" that Ken seems to be using on a normaly day to day basis. A real warrior needs none of thoses things,thats why they call ryu "the fighter who fell off the earth" seeking a better fighter until he finds himself being the best darn fighter in the world Posted by el_diablo on 05:16:2001 04:56 AM: which do you prefer???? a pimp or a gay(did ryu ever touched a women for an other reason that whup her ass???)??? so i'll go with ken..... Posted by Gimpy on 05:16:2001 05:07 AM: If Ryu wanted to he can have Chun-Li or Sakura who both would kick the shit out of Eliza. We all know that Eliza is a bimbo just like Ken is a bitch. Like I said before, materials don't make anyone so Ken stands to loose a lot and Ryu doesn't take anything for granted and Ken does and if you really want to talk about Ryu being a bum, what do Ken do for a living? He is a 32 year old man living of his father. Sounds like a bum to me. Posted by Bezerka on 05:16:2001 07:28 AM: Akuma is the best cause he uses all aspect of shoto karate. Plus he doesn't have to keep telling us the name of the moves he does. Posted by dj-b13 on 05:16:2001 07:44 AM: RYU... He overall the man, Especially the SHIN...SHORYUKENNNN!!!!!!! Posted by Mr Creed on 05:16:2001 10:57 AM: In the game, Ryu is always the best fighter. I never use him though because he lacks the character and the style that both Ken and Akuma have. Ryu's OK but he's just to damn boring. Ryu needs to learn that there is more to life than fighting. Posted by Dasrik on 05:16:2001 11:37 AM: Shotos suck. Period. Posted by Santokitokiya on 05:16:2001 11:46 AM: By Far it is RYU.. Posted by lilswtaznboi on 05:16:2001 11:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by Santokitokiya By Far it is RYU.. -INDEED- Posted by Shotokan on 05:16:2001 12:08 PM: Well my opinion personally is that Gouki is the best of the Shotokans. Mainly because he has many moves/variety that can keep the opponent guessing. His Hooligan VC's also one of the best and most effective in all of Alpha 3. If you're speaking out of the idea of who's coolest, that would have to be a hard one. A lot of people would pick Ken over Ryu but for me, I'd have to go with Akuma. The guy is just plain awesome and others can't compete. Screw Sean. He sucks! What the hell was Ken teaching him? Anyways, Akuma has always been one of the better characters since Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Also, consider that in 3rd Strike Shotokans, Yung & Yangs, and Urien are the most picked characters because they're just so dam* easy to use and way too powerful. I like Remy for that reason. Well this is all based on my sole opinion so don't try to mess! -SHOTOKAN Posted by TRuNK$ on 05:16:2001 02:18 PM: each shoto is better for differant people. Ryu fits my style of play perfectly. defense and countering, makes for the best offense Posted by PK on 05:16:2001 02:40 PM: why is this even a question... Akuma by far... unless you are playing A2, then it's ken by a mile... Posted by Bonesaw on 05:16:2001 02:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by TRuNK$ each shoto is better for differant people. Ryu fits my style of play perfectly. defense and countering, makes for the best offense That's exactly what I was thinking...I just didn't know how to say it...I like Ryu and my friend likes Akuma... There is no set best shotokan..depends on whomever you are good with.. but story wise...If there was an all out showdown...the last man standing would definetly be Ryu Posted by american_psycho on 05:16:2001 04:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bonesaw That's exactly what I was thinking...I just didn't know how to say it...I like Ryu and my friend likes Akuma... There is no set best shotokan..depends on whomever you are good with.. but story wise...If there was an all out showdown...the last man standing would definetly be Ryu I agree Bonesaw, the Shotokans are suited for different styles of play. And yes, the last man standing would be Ryu. Posted by Cpt.Cat on 05:16:2001 04:30 PM: I think they all BLOW [/SIZE] GO AMINGO HAHAHA Posted by BloodRiotIori on 05:16:2001 04:50 PM: ryu will NEVER be as good as gouki (storywise) the alpha anime underlined why. gouki has adopted the dark hadou and allowed it to unleash forceful intent into every attack. he has the killer edge Posted by Ryu1999 on 05:16:2001 05:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bonesaw That's exactly what I was thinking...I just didn't know how to say it...I like Ryu and my friend likes Akuma... There is no set best shotokan..depends on whomever you are good with.. but story wise...If there was an all out showdown...the last man standing would definetly be Ryu here we go with the no tiers argument there is always going to be a "better" shoto simply because even though they've specialized in different moves, one move is always going to be more useful. most of the time however, the advantages of the "better" shoto are not that gamebreaking, its more of an "overall" who has better matchups against everyone else. except for ST akuma, which just wasn't fair....yes, storywise akumao would win, i concede that. ( i bet you're gloating right now shin srwilson :-) ) Posted by shin srwilson on 05:16:2001 06:01 PM: You dont like me very much do you Ryu1999? and yes i am gloating and yes Storyline wise Gouki is the best! Posted by Bonesaw on 05:16:2001 06:27 PM: I really don't think Akuma will win storywise...If Akuma wins...his opponent is usually dead and there is no way that ryu would be killed in any storyline Posted by Ryu1999 on 05:16:2001 07:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by shin srwilson You dont like me very much do you Ryu1999? and yes i am gloating and yes Storyline wise Gouki is the best! no i'm just joking around man! geez. i've been trying to lightne up too ya kno! Posted by DarkBlade77 on 05:16:2001 07:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bonesaw I really don't think Akuma will win storywise...If Akuma wins...his opponent is usually dead and there is no way that ryu would be killed in any storyline LOL, true. Posted by Bonesaw on 05:16:2001 07:13 PM: maybe...ryu could get killed in the American cartoon storyline...that's about it...other than that ryu would probably win against anyone...Heck..they showed him about to jump kick a high velocity semi-(operated by the great bison himself)...If he can survive that he can survive anything... Posted by Bonesaw on 05:16:2001 07:14 PM: By the way...I am talking about the animated movie..for people who are lost...and I also know that he was about to kick the windshield not the truck...But, I still think that collision would kill anyone.. Posted by Evil Ryu on 05:16:2001 07:44 PM: Evil Ryu ownz all! Posted by gamedude_7 on 05:25:2001 11:51 AM: ken Posted by Stray on 05:25:2001 12:24 PM: Dan! NO way around it, you gotta love the ultimte underdog... Posted by Rain_Takayama on 05:25:2001 12:53 PM: Ryu Ryu is the obvious choice. Ken isn't commited enough to battle. Akuma is evil. It has consumed him. Ryu has been consumed only by the will to fight. Ryu has more potential. Akuma had a weak will. He succumbed to evil too easily. Ryu constantly fights it, making him strong in will as well as the fighter with the capacity to be the greatest fighter. Posted by Akuma72 on 05:25:2001 03:55 PM: Who is the best shoto? Akuma is "The Supreme Master" After all he had enough power to kill Ryu and Ken's master and Ryu has yet to defeat him. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:13 PM. Show all 63 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.